Introducing maayot Pro

Note: The mobile app does not support speaking and writing submissions for corrections at this time. These should be made on the website.

For Chinese learners that are looking for an even more serious and consistent approach to studying Chinese, we are now offering daily teaching and writing corrections.

To help you get started, please see below what will hopefully help answer a number of your questions.

What is maayot Pro Plan?

maayot Pro plan is a more advanced version of our maayot Standard Plan. On top of receiving a unique daily story with a quiz, on-click dictionary, writing prompt and more you will also be getting a correction from a teacher on your writing and pronunciation.

In the daily story, you will now find find a microphone icon on our website.

Simply record yourself reading out the passage of the story and submit it. Your new words, old words along with the on-click dictionary remain accessible to help you in the process.

Also, in the daily writing section, you now get the option to submit your writing to a teacher for correction. Simply checking the box will then allow a teacher to review your submission and have it corrected.

Just like with the Standard and Free plans, it is not necessary to complete the writing and recording sections in order to get a streak.

Where can I access the correction?

If you are on the Pro Plan, all your corrections can be accessed from the ‘My Corrections’ button on the top menu. This is only available for Pro Plan learners.

Your daily correction will be available to view the moment that it has been corrected by a teacher. This is generally done within two business days, though may take a bit longer during Chinese public holidays as you may expect.

Where can I upgrade to the Pro Plan?

To upgrade to maayot Pro, simply use the above button. You will need to be registered to maayot in order to upgrade.

Committing your learning to a yearly billing will give you a discount when upgrading.

What kind of corrections can I expect?

For the speaking correction, you will receive a daily recording correcting your tones and intonation in order to sound more like a native. The recording can be played directly from your browser.

For the writing correction, you will receive your written answer, corrected to sound like a native. Only characters and grammar you are expected to know at your level will be used in the writing correction. You may also get additional notes to explain the correction in order for you not to make such mistakes again.

All your past writings, recordings and corrections are saved and accessible directly from this same dashboard.

How much is maayot Pro Plan?

You may access the full pricing details using the below button. Please note you need to be registered in order to be able to access it.

Committing your learning to a yearly billing will give you a discount when upgrading.

If you have any more questions, simply send us a message or reply to any of our emails.