去 – How To Use It

Chinese is arguably one of the most complicated languages to learn. However, it is actually an interesting language to learn. That is why it is the most spoken language in the world. Now, around 1.3 billion people in the world speak Chinese.

The Chinese language dated back 6000 years ago. Its characters have evolved from traditional Chinese called 繁体 (fántǐ) to simplified Chinese called 简体 (jiǎntǐ), which is easier to learn. 

Today, let’s learn about this word, 去 (qù). I will explain what is 去 (qù) is, how, and when to use it.

去 (qù) – With a Verb

去 (qù) is a Chinese verb that translates directly to “to go.”The opposite of the word 去 (qù) is 来(Lài), which direct translate “to come.” It sounds easy to understand, right? But, note that in Chinese, you can use the same word in different ways. These are some of the different meanings of the word 去 (qù).

去 (qù) – To Remove

去 (qù) can be understood as “to remove.” But it needs to be paired with characters such as 掉 (diào)or 除 (chú). For example, 去掉 (Qùdiào) or 除去 (Chùqú). 

Here are some examples of sentences for 去 (qù) – “ To Remove.”

  1. 我把脏污去掉了。
    (Wǒ bǎ zàng wū qù diào le)
    I removed the dirt. 
  1. 我把鸡上的毛去掉了。
    (Wǒ bǎ jī shàng de máo qù diào le)
    I removed the hair from the chicken.
  1. 我把他在名单上的名字除去了。
    (Wǒ bǎ tā zài míng dān shàng de míng zì chù qú le) 
    I removed his name from the list.
  1. 除去所有烦恼。
    (Wǒ chù qú suǒ yǒu fán nǎo.) 
    I removed all troubles.
  1. 我把那条鱼去腥了。
    (Wǒ bǎ nà tiáo yú qù xīng le)
    I removed the bad smell of the fish. 

去 (qù) – To Go

去 (qù) can also be understood as “to go.” In this case, you have to pair this word with a location. Also, before the word, you can add 没 (méi) or 不 (bù)  to indicate “ did not” or “don’t want” to suit your sentence.

Here are some of the examples of sentences for 去 (qù)- To Go:

  1. 我走路去学校。
    (Wǒ zǒu lù qù xué xiào.)
    I walked to go to the school.
  1. 我要去邮局买票。
    (Wǒ yào qù yóu jú mǎi piào.)
    I’m going to the post office to buy a ticket.
  1. 我去美国读书。
    (Wǒ qù měi guó dú shū)
    I went to America for my studies.
  1. 我不去海边。
    (Wǒ bù qù hǎi biān.)
    I don’t go to the beach.
  1. 我没去电影院。
    (Wǒ méi qù diàn yǐng yuàn.)
    I did not go to the cinema.

去 (qù) – To Do

去 (qù) also means “to do.” With this meaning, you have to pair it with an action to indicate that someone is doing something. In some sentences, you have to use 做 as “do” in your sentence to make it grammatically correct.

However, in some direct translations, the sentence will still be ‘to go,’ but the meaning is actually ‘to do’  some action. 

Here are some of the examples of the sentence for 去 (qù) – To Do:

  1. 我要去吃饭。
    (Wǒ yào qù chī fàn.)
    I am going to eat.
  1. 我要去跳舞。
    (Wǒ yào qù tiào wǔ)
    I am going to dance.
  1. 我要去煮饭了。
    (Wǒ yào qù zhǔ fàn le.)
    I am going to cook.
  1. 我要去做功课。
    (Wǒ yào zuò gōng kè.)
    I am going to do my homework.
  1. 我不会去买菜。
    (Wǒ bù huì qù mǎi cài.)
    I am not going to buy groceries.

去 (qù) – With a Noun

There are some special characters that you can use with 去 (qù). It is not as common as “ to do,” “to go,” and “ to do”. 

去世  (Qùshì)

The meaning of 去世 (Qùshì) is “passed away.” As 世 (shì) meant “world,” the whole word means “out of the world.” It is used to describe when someone is passed away.

For example:

  1. 那位老太太去世了。
    (Nà wèi lǎo tài tài qù shì le.)
    That old lady passed away.
  1. 三号病房的病人今早去世了。
    (Sān hào bìng fáng de bìng rén jīn zǎo qù shì le.)
    The patient in room 3 passed away this morning.
  1. 今年有三百万人去世了。
    (Jīn nián yǒu sān bǎi wàn rén qù shì le.)
    There were 3 million people who passed away this year.

去年 (Qù nián)

The meaning of 去年 (Qù nián) is last year. In this word, 去 (Qù) means the past, while 年 (nián) means year. You can use it to describe what has happened in the last year or describe something about the past year.

For example:

  1. 我去年生了孩子。
    (Wǒ qù nián shēng le hái zi.)
    I had a baby last year.
  1. 我去年升职了。
    (Wǒ qù nián shēng zhí le.)
    I got a promotion last year.
  1. 他把去年的旧衣丢了。
    (Tā bǎ qùnián de jiù yī diūle.)
    He threw away his last year’s old clothes.

去职 (Qù zhí)

The meaning of 去职 (Qù zhí) is for one to quit his job. As in this word, 去 (Qù) means to lose, and 职 (zhí) refers to a job position. You can use this in a sentence for someone who no longer holds the job.

For example:

  1. 他为了家人去职了。
    (Tā wèi le jiā rén qù zhí le.)
    He quit his job for his family.
  1. 今年没有人去职。
    (Jīnnián méiyǒu rén qùzhí.)
    No one has quit this year.
  1. 他为什么去职了?
    (Tā wèi shé me qù zhí le?)
    Why did he quit his job?

Final Thoughts 

去 (Qù) is a word you can use in many ways. As a beginner, you should know how to use this word as it can be helpful. It is vital, especially if you want to travel to a Chinese-speaking country, as the word 去 (Qù) can help you communicate. You can tell locals what you want to do or where you want to go. 

I hope this article can help you gain more understanding of the language. Subscribe to Maayot or follow our other articles to learn more about the useful Chinese language!


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